
Water Girl

Approaching her 1 year Birthday, Julia is quite the little person. You can check out her series of accomplishments on the About link, so here I will just give you a glimpse of her everyday life....
Wake up sometime around 7 and start talking and whispering and sighing and rolling around and then climbs over mom and out of bed. Lots of mornings start out with a walk or going
out back to look for the kitty. Her preference would be to be outside all the time. She likes to walk down the street or explore the kayaks in the side yard, but most of all, chase any and every animal
she comes across (cat, dog, bird, squirrel). Yesterday she tried to pick up a bumble bee that seemed to be dead and got stung on her finger. While she was crying she pointed and talked and tried to tell
me the whole story of the bad buggy. Anyways, when you can slow her down long enough to get dressed she likes to pick out what she’s going to wear and drape it around her neck (regardless if it’s
pants or shirt or whatever). She likes to put bags and purses and dad’s camera and everything else with a strap over her head or shoulder and walk around all day--I know, strangulation hazard, that’s what I’m here for thought.
At some point she eats in her high chair and always wants cheese or a pickle. She’ll eat other things too but those are her two favorites lately. So, to talk her into sitting in the chair I usually offer her a small
taste of one of those and then follow up with yogurt or strawberries or whatever. We are still nursing so she doesn’t eat a lot of food. Lots of days she talks Dad into putting her in the Baby Bjorn
which is the carrier like they used on Hangover. She takes it to him and gives it to him and then points at it...which is pretty hard for him to resist. Then, they will clean the garage or work on a boat or something
she thinks is utterly exciting because she’s with him. Or if he’s in a hurry she just watches him shave--another mystifying routine. After Dad goes to work, we often ride our bike to the beach to meet a friend or
walk to the library. She usually takes 2 naps--morning and afternoon. In between we play and explore. She can now climb onto the furniture-yikes! Some days Grandmother Ayers comes to play or we go see Dad at work on our way downtown.
She loves going down to look at the boats on the dock. She also loves going to the fort to run around or the beach to play in the sand. In the evenings she plays out back with the kitty and then after dinner
we usually go on a night time walk to say goodnight to the moon, which she will point at if you say “where is the moon?” She goes to bed around 8 to rest up for the next busy day.

Julia is 6 months now! She’s not technically crawling, but she can get anywhere she wants with a slither and raise and launch maneuver.  This is fun for her because it gives her access to all the things she wanted to GET for all these months but just couldn’t reach.  Now, she can scramble over to bookshelves and unload, knock things down and move on to lampposts and other climbable objects.  Needless to say, we must be vigilant, especially near our regretful concrete floors, because sometimes when she swings over into the sitting position she goes too far, or the aforementioned launch maunuver can cause a face plant if over fueled.  The minute she is free she GOES, knowing she must GET everything quickly because we will corral her or put things away if she doesn’t get to them before we get her.  The other night after her bath I let her down in her room and her little naked body looked so cute slithering over to the bookshelves, unloading then moving quickly on to the closet—swinging her hands out the whole time trying to GET everything before I could scoop her up! She is pulling herself up on anything and everything and stood all the way up in her crib the other night.

 She loves the beach, we go almost daily so we can sit in the waves and play. We took her for her first swim in a pool the other day--our neighbor’s saltwater pool. She LOVED it, her little arms and legs were kicking the whole time. She even wnet under a few times and came up happy. Wrestling with Dad is another favorite--she’s getting good at it too. Needless to say, we are having a great summer!